The appearance of flat cheekbones, possibly the result of genetics or through the natural aging process, can give an imbalanced look to the face, making a large nose look larger, and a receding chin look smaller.
Cheek implants are a means of uplifting the cheeks to create the appearance of well-formed cheek bones, to create an improved and balanced facial structure.
Prior to surgery Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedure, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for Cheek Augmentation Surgery, and advice on likely results.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthetic with sedation, meaning that the patient sleeps throughout the operation but recovery time is fast. The Doctor makes a small incision close to the proposed implant location. This is normally made inside the mouth where the gums and lips meet, though sometimes the desired implant location means that the incision is made in the crease under the lower eyelashes. The Doctor then creates a pocket in the facial tissue into which an implant (usually silicone) is inserted, and which may be stitched to solid internal features deeper in the skull. The incision is then closed.
Following the treatment patients can return to their place of residence. Mild pain and discomfort may be experienced post-operation, for which prescription pain medication can be used. Some degree of swelling and possible bruising can be expected, but this is only temporary. It is also possible that a degree of numbness around the cheeks and lips will occur, though this is likely to be for only 2 – 3 days.
It is recommended that patients take things easy, and avoid heavy contact in the cheek area for the first three weeks after surgery.
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