Procedure Lists

Breast Implants Surgery, Breast Augmentation Surgery, Mammoplasty Surgery
Prior to surgery Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedure, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for Breast Augmentation Surgery, and advice on likely results. More Details…
Breast Reduction Surgery, Mastopexy Surgery, Breast Lift Surgery
Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that corrects a lack of firmness and sagging in breasts following breast feeding or as a result of the natural ageing process. It may be performed in conjunction with Breast Augmentation in case of breast tissue deficiency. More Details…
Nipple Surgery
Nipple Surgery includes a number of corrective procedures including size reduction and correction to inverted nipples. These are minor surgical operations performed under local anesthetic and clients are able to return to their residence within 1-2 hours. More Details…
MTF (Male to Female) Breast Implants Surgery
MTF (Male to Female) Breast Implants. More Details…
Pectoral Implants Surgery
Male chest implants are designed to enhance the size and appearance of the chest area. Doctor Pat uses a soft silicone implant that has been specifically sculptured to optimize aesthetic appearance. More Details…
Eye and Nose

Upper Eyelid Surgery Surgery, Eye Ptosis Surgery, Big Eye Surgery, Blepharoplasty Surgery
The upper eyelid surgery is for patients who have single eyelid (Asian eye) or excess skin and fat in the upper lid. The operation can be done in 30 minutes – 1 hour. More Details…
Lower Eyelid Surgery Fat Removal Surgery
The standard technique of fat removal from lower lid is done by incision below the eyelid through the skin, occularis muscle and then fat will be removed, some muscles and skin of the lower lid may be removed in the same time. This technique may leave some visible scar after the operation and extrovert lid which is unfavorable result. More Details…
Rhinoplasty – Reduction, Crook Nose, SeptoRhinoplasty, Tipplasty
Rhinoplasty – Reduction, Crook Nose, SeptoRhinoplasty, Tipplasty, Nose hump removal Crook Nose, Obstructed nose- difficult breathing, SeptoRhinoplasty, Nose shortening- lengthening, Tipplasty, Box tip More Details…
Nose Surgery Surgery, Rhinoplasty Surgery
Nose surgery covers a range of procedures designed to correct nose related health issues or to reshape the nose for cosmetic reasons. Cosmetic Surgery techniques can reduce or increase its size, change the shape of the tip or bridge, and narrow the span of the nostrils. More Details…
Big Eye Surgery, Eye Ptosis Surgery, Blepharoplasty Surgery, Upper Eyelid Sugery
The upper eyelid surgery is for patients who have single eyelid (Asian eye) or excess skin and fat in the upper lid. The operation can be done in 30 minutes – 1 hour. More Details…
Facial Contouring

Feminized Face Surgery, FFS Surgery
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) is designed to create a feminine face on male-dominated features. It is a common treatment undertaken by members of the transgender community, and covers a wide range of surgical procedures. More Details…
Forehead Lift Surgery, Brow Lift Surgery, Temporal Lift Surgery, Crow Foot Removal Surgery
A Forehead / Brow Lift is designed to raise the eyebrows and reduce wrinkles on the forehead, eliminating a furrowed appearance and restoring youthful looks. More Details…
Face/Neck Lift Surgery ( Rhytidectomy ) Mini lift Surgery, S lift Surgery, Short Scar Face Lift Surgery, Platysmaplasty Surgery
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. More Details…
Endoscopic Forehead Lift Surgery, Endoscopic Browlift Surgery
The development of Endoscopic procedures in recent times has been one of the most important breakthroughs in modern Cosmetic Surgery, and Doctor Pat is one of the country’s leading specialist surgeons in the field. More Details…
Facial Contour Surgery, Jaw Implant Surgery, Cheek Implant Surgery
Facial Bone Structure such as forehead, Brow Bone, cheek bone, jaw can be reshaped by reduction or augmentation. More Details…
PreMaxillary Implant Surgery
Premaxillary implant for depress area above upper lip. Premaxillary implant for depress area above upper lip. More Details…
Buccal Fat Removal Surgery
Buccal fat pads are located in the lower cheek area, and a person may develop “chubby” cheeks, either due to overweight or through a genetic disposition. More Details…
Cheek implants Surgery, Malar Implant Surgery, Cheek augmentation Surgery
The appearance of flat cheekbones, possibly the result of genetics or through the natural aging process, can give an imbalanced look to the face, making a large nose look larger, and a receding chin look smaller. More Details…
Ear Lobe Creation Surgery, Reduction Pixy Ear Surgery
Ear Lobe creation, Reduction. Pixy ear Ear Lobe creation, Ear Lobe Reduction. Pixy ear. Repair torn ear. Reduce Ear size. More Details…
Mandible Surgery, Jaw Reduction Surgery
The jawbone plays a significant role in the width of the lower face. A prominent lower face is caused when the jawbones (mandibles) are thick and wide, or when the associated muscles are bulky. People, especially females, with wide lower faces will achieve a more balanced facial appearance following Jaw Reduction Surgery. More Details…
Lip Reduction Surgery
Whether through genetic disposition or aging, many people lose volume in their lips. Lip Augmentation will restore a fuller shape, enhancing facial appearance. Prior to surgery Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedure, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for Lip Augmentation, and advice on likely results. More Details…
Lip Lift Surgery
Upper Lip Lift procedure take about 1/2 – 1 hour under local anesthesia. More Details…
Dimple Surgery
Feature-enhancing Dimples can be created simply and easily at the Tokai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Prior to surgery Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedure, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for Dimple Surgery, and advice on likely results. More Details…
Chin Augmentation Chin Reduction Surgery
Chin Augmentation, using implants to correct a weak or receding chin, is designed to provide a more harmonious and balanced appearance to the face. More Details…
Body Contouring

Liposuction Surgery
Liposuction is a procedure that offers patients a way to lose stubborn excess fat that diet or exercise cannot. It is used to re-contour the body and give a more slender and balanced body shape. More Details…
Tummy tuck ( Abdominoplasty ) Surgery
Abdominal tissues and muscles often fail to return to normal following a period of weight gain, weight loss or pregnancy. Stretched beyond optimum capacity the abdomen may not respond to standard exercise and diet programs. A Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic procedure designed to tighten muscles and remove excess skin in order to achieve a smoother and flatter abdomen. More Details…
Buttocks Surgery or Gluteal Augmentation Surgery
This is a cosmetic surgical technique designed to enlarge, lift and shape the contours of the buttock mounds. A wide range of implant shapes and sizes is available depending on personal preference. More Details…
Calf Implants Surgery, Augmentation Surgery
Calf implants are designed to enhance the size, shape and balance of the lower leg. Primarily a cosmetic surgery procedure, it may also be used to correct muscle deterioration caused by injury or nerve diseases. More Details…
Arm Lift Surgery, brachioplasty Surgery
As a result of weight loss, or just through the natural aging process, the skin below the upper arm can loosen and appear unattractive. Arm Lift Surgery reduces the excess skin and fat on the upper arm resulting in a more toned and proportionate appearance. More Details…
Gluteal Surgery or Buttocks Augmentation Surgery
This is a cosmetic surgical technique designed to enlarge, lift and shape the contours of the buttock mounds. A wide range of implant shapes and sizes is available depending on personal preference. More Details…
Occipital ( back of head ) Augmentation Surgery
For patients who have problems with the back of their head being incomplete or flat. make you insecure. Nowadays, medicine has invented solutions to solve the problems of people with flat heads that are not shaped or unattractive. This surgery is not dangerous. It is also a surgery with no complicated steps. It only takes 30 minutes to 1 hour, and the wound will not be visible at all. Because it’s done on the back of the head. More Details…
Anti Aging

Face/Neck Lift Surgery ( Rhytidectomy ) Mini lift Surgery, S lift Surgery, Short Scar Face Lift Surgery, Platysmaplasty Surgery
The development of Endoscopic procedures in recent times has been one of the most important breakthroughs in modern Cosmetic Surgery, and Doctor Pat is one of the country’s leading specialist surgeons in the field. More Details…
Other Surgery

Vaginal Repair Surgery, Labiaplasty Surgery, Hymen Repair Surgery
The purpose of Anterior vaginal repair is for tightening of anterior vaginal wall which mostly result from labor or prolong straining. The problems of weakening or laxity of Anterior vaginal is urinary incontinence i.e. leakage of urine during increasing internal abdominal pressure such as cough, laughing or lifting heavy material. More Details…