Facial Contouring Surgery
Facial Contouring Surgery

Feminized Face Surgery, FFS Surgery
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) is designed to create a feminine face on male-dominated features. It is a common treatment undertaken by members of the transgender community, and covers a wide range of surgical procedures.
Forehead Lift Surgery, Brow Lift Surgery, Temporal Lift Surgery, Crow Foot Removal Surgery
A Forehead / Brow Lift is designed to raise the eyebrows and reduce wrinkles on the forehead, eliminating a furrowed appearance and restoring youthful looks.

Face/Neck Lift Surgery ( Rhytidectomy ) Mini lift Surgery, S lift Surgery, Short Scar Face Lift Surgery, Platysmaplasty Surgery
The development of Endoscopic procedures in recent times has been one of the most important breakthroughs in modern Cosmetic Surgery, and Doctor Pat is one of the country’s leading specialist surgeons in the field.
Endoscopic Forehead Lift Surgery, Endoscopic Browlift Surgery
The development of Endoscopic procedures in recent times has been one of the most important breakthroughs in modern Cosmetic Surgery, and Doctor Pat is one of the country’s leading specialist surgeons in the field.

Facial Contour Surgery, Jaw Implant Surgery, Cheek Implant Surgery
Facial Bone Structure such as forehead, Brow Bone, cheek bone, jaw can be reshaped by reduction or augmentation.
PreMaxillary Implant Surgery
PreMaxillary Implant premaxillary implant for depress area above upper lip.

Buccal Fat Removal Surgery
Buccal fat pads are located in the lower cheek area, and a person may develop “chubby” cheeks, either due to overweight or through a genetic disposition.
Cheek implants Surgery, Malar Implant Surgery, Cheek augmentation Surgery
The appearance of flat cheekbones, possibly the result of genetics or through the natural aging process, can give an imbalanced look to the face, making a large nose look larger, and a receding chin look smaller.

Ear Lobe Creation Surgery, Reduction Pixy Ear Surgery
Ear Lobe creation, Reduction. Pixy ear Ear Lobe creation, Ear Lobe Reduction. Pixy ear. Repair torn ear. Reduce Ear size.
Mandible Surgery, Jaw Reduction Surgery
The jawbone plays a significant role in the width of the lower face. A prominent lower face is caused when the jawbones (mandibles) are thick and wide, or when the associated muscles are bulky. People, especially females, with wide lower faces will achieve a more balanced facial appearance following Jaw Reduction Surgery.

Lip Reduction Surgery
Whether through genetic disposition or aging, many people lose volume in their lips. Lip Augmentation will restore a fuller shape, enhancing facial appearance.