Feminized Face, FFS
Feminized Face, FFS
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) is designed to create a feminine face on male-dominated features. It is a common treatment undertaken by members of the transgender community, and covers a wide range of surgical procedures.
The male face is characterized by a low-lying hairline, narrow, flat forehead, lower eyebrows and prominent eyebrow ridge and glabella (the area above the nose, between the eyebrows).
The main surgical procedures are :
Hairline Correction : The lifting and repositioning of the scalp to give a more rounded, feminine shape
Brow Lift : Click here for more details
Brow Bossing : The reduction of the prominent brow ridge and glabella
Nose Reduction / Augmentation (Rhinoplasty / Alarplasty) : Click here for more details
Jaw Recontouring (Mandibular Angle Reduction) : Click here for more details
Chin Recontouring (Genioplasty / Mentoplasty) : Click here for more details
Cheek Recontouring (Reduction / Augmentation) : Click here for more details
Prior to treatment Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedures, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for FFS, and advice on likely results.
Before-After photos