Body Contouring Surgery
Body Contouring Surgery

Liposuction Surgery
It can be successfully used on many body areas including stomach, buttocks, waist, calves, arms and even the face in conjunction with a face lift. Compared with traditional cosmetic techniques for fat reduction, Liposuction is quicker and less intrusive, with a short recovery time span (just a few days), and minimal scarring.
Tummy tuck ( Abdominoplasty ) Surgery
Prior to surgery Doctor Pat will consult with prospective patients, to determine expectations and to explain the procedure, including possible after-effects. This will also help the Doctor assess the patients’ suitability for Tummy Tuck Surgery, and advice on likely results.

Buttocks Surgery or Gluteal Augmentation Surgery
This is a cosmetic surgical technique designed to enlarge, lift and shape the contours of the buttock mounds. A wide range of implant shapes and sizes is available depending on personal preference.
Calf Implants Surgery, Augmentation Surgery
Calf implants are designed to enhance the size, shape and balance of the lower leg. Primarily a cosmetic surgery procedure, it may also be used to correct muscle deterioration caused by injury or nerve diseases.

Arm Lift Surgery, brachioplasty Surgery
As a result of weight loss, or just through the natural aging process, the skin below the upper arm can loosen and appear unattractive. Arm Lift Surgery reduces the excess skin and fat on the upper arm resulting in a more toned and proportionate appearance.
Gluteal Surgery or Buttocks Augmentation Surgery
This is a cosmetic surgical technique designed to enlarge, lift and shape the contours of the buttock mounds. A wide range of implant shapes and sizes is available depending on personal preference.

Occipital ( back of head ) Augmentation Surgery
สำหรับคนไข้ที่มีปัญหาศีรษะด้านหลังไม่เต็มหรือแฟบ ทำให้ไม่มั่นใจ ปัจจุบันการแพทย์ได้คิดค้นช่วยแก้ไขปัญหาบุคคลที่ศีรษะแฟบ ไม่ได้รูป ไม่สวย ซึ่งการศัลยกรรมนี้ไม่เป็นอันตราย และยังเป็นการศัลยกรรมไม่มีขั้นตอนอะไรยุ่งยาก ใช้เวลาเพียง 30 นาที ถึง 1 ชั่วโมง เท่านั้น และ แผลจะมองไม่เห็นเลย เพราะทำบริเวณด้านหลังศรีษะ